INTRO: Larry Goldings - organ / Peter Bernstein - guitar / Bill Stewart - drums"Two of the best organ trios of the last decade have featured the same three players. Technically speaking, it's just one group, variously billed as the Larry Goldings Trio (on several albums) or the Peter Bernstein Trio (on a recent DVD). Consisting of Mr. Goldings on organ, Mr. Bernstein on guitar and Bill Stewart on drums, it fulfills all of the standard criteria capably and rewardingly, without trying to reinvent the wheel." by Nate Chinen - New York Times "Here's an authentic organ trio with all the size and scope of Mount Everest, and twice the cool. Sure, there are Hammond B-3 players with more extravagant floor routines and bluster, but if they gave out medals for swing, subtlety, suppleness, sound, and soul, then Larry Goldings would wear Olympic gold. Long-time collaborators Bill Stewart on drums and Peter Bernstein on guitar round out a trinity of improvisers that operate with the free-flowing give and take, structured architecture, shifting tempo, and varied dynamics of a good basketball team." by Chip Stern - AS ONE.

                        NEW RELEASE COMING 4 May 2018

              “Toy Tunes”

               on Pirouet records




CONCERTS:CITY: Moscow, RUBerlin, DEVienna, ATCopenhagen, DKMalaga, ESRoterdam, NLLondon, UKLondon, UKDorking, UKMolde, NOParis, FRParis, FRBajadoz, ESLugo, ESGirona, ESStockholm, SEBudapest, HULondon, UKNeuburg, DECologne, DE   London, UKLondon, UKDorking, UKStockholm, SEfreeGothenburg, SEOslo, NOBergen, NOfreeBerlin, DERotterdam, NLAmsterdam, NLHamburg, DEHilden, DETübingen, DEVienna, ATVENUE / FESTIVAL: Jazz Seasons FestivalZig Zag Jazz ClubPorgy & BessCopenhagen Jazz FestivalPorton del Jazz FestivalNorth Sea Jazz FestivalPizza Express Jazz ClubPizza Express Jazz ClubWatermillMolde Jazz FestivalSunset SunsideSunset SunsideBadajoz Jazz FestivalLugo FestivalSunset Jazz ClubFaschingMüpa606 / LFJStadthalle/BirdlandKläng Festival   Pizza Express JazzPizza Express JazzWatermill Jazz ClubFasching NefertitiHerr NilsenNattjazz festival Zig Zag Jazz ClubLantaren/VensterBimhuisElbphilharmonie / ElbfestivalHildener Jazz TageLiquidbarPorgy & Bess  PROJECT: Larry Goldings / Peter Bernstein / Bill StewartLarry Goldings / Peter Bernstein / Bill StewartLarry Goldings / Peter Bernstein / Bill StewartLarry Goldings / Peter Bernstein / Bill StewartLarry Goldings / Peter Bernstein / Bill StewartLarry Goldings / Peter Bernstein / Bill StewartLarry Goldings / Peter Bernstein / Bill StewartLarry Goldings / Peter Bernstein / Bill StewartLarry Goldings / Peter Bernstein / Bill StewartLarry Goldings / Peter Bernstein / Bill StewartLarry Goldings / Peter Bernstein / Bill StewartLarry Goldings / Peter Bernstein / Bill StewartLarry Goldings / Peter Bernstein / Bill StewartLarry Goldings / Peter Bernstein / Bill StewartLarry Goldings / Peter Bernstein / Bill StewartLarry Goldings / Peter Bernstein / Bill StewartLarry Goldings / Peter Bernstein / Bill StewartLarry Goldings / Peter Bernstein / Bill StewartLarry Goldings / Peter Bernstein / Bill StewartLarry Goldings / Peter Bernstein / Bill Stewart   Larry Goldings / Peter Bernstein / Bill StewartLarry Goldings / Peter Bernstein / Bill StewartLarry Goldings / Peter Bernstein / Bill StewartLarry Goldings / Peter Bernstein / Bill StewartLarry Goldings / Peter Bernstein / Bill StewartLarry Goldings / Peter Bernstein / Bill StewartLarry Goldings / Peter Bernstein / Bill StewartLarry Goldings / Peter Bernstein / Bill StewartLarry Goldings / Peter Bernstein / Bill StewartLarry Goldings / Peter Bernstein / Bill StewartLarry Goldings / Peter Bernstein / Bill StewartLarry Goldings / Peter Bernstein / Bill StewartLarry Goldings / Peter Bernstein / Bill StewartLarry Goldings / Peter Bernstein / Bill StewartLarry Goldings / Peter Bernstein / Bill StewartLarry Goldings / Peter Bernstein / Bill Stewart2019 06 JUL08 JUL09 JUL10 JUL12 JUL13 JUL14 JUL15 JUL16 JUL19 JUL20 JUL21 JUL14 NOV15 NOV16 NOV18 NOV19 NOV20 NOV21 NOV22 NOV 2018 20  May21 May22 May23 May24 May25 May26 May27 May28 May29 May30 May31 May01 Jun02 Jun03 Jun04 Jun


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INFO:Larry Goldings, Peter Bernstein, and Bill Stewart—three musicians with great ears; organ, guitar, and drums—a lineup rich in tradition—makes for passionate, grooving, highly sophisticated music. And the music is as cryptic as the CD’s title: Ramshackle Serenade. This is music you can fall right into. It catches you in its warm sound bed. And as you lie there you can enjoy the many fine details: particulars that are the results of some 25 years of collaboration between these three musicians — musicians who happen to be among the best on their respective instruments. Hammond organist (and pianist) Larry Goldings, guitarist Peter Berstein, and drum- mer Bill Stewart are an extraordinary team. Here you have everything that the traditional “organ trio” (organ, guitar, and drums) has to offer—exciting grooves, rich, tasty, sump- tuous sounds. But the music on this PIROUET CD also has an unusual, subtly intoned intimacy. With their exploitation of the music’s dynamic possibilities, the passion and joy of this amazingly versatile instrumental lineup is there for all to hear. At the same time there is a depth in Ramshackle Serenade that transforms the joy of playing into an excla- mation of life. “Ramshackle”— tumbledown, derelict, dilapidated. “Ram- shackle” was the word Mark Twain used to describe the broken-down shack on the bank of the Mississippi in which the boy who was the model for Huckleberry Finn lived. Larry Goldings, who composed the title piece, says, “As I was looking for a title for the song, I thought about Mark Twain — I don’t know exactly why. Maybe I felt there was a bit of Americana in the piece. As I was busy with Twain, I came across the word ‘ramshackle’, which seemed to fit to the spirit of the piece. There is this melodic counter- movement that appears to continually peel away, and the piece has something fragile about it. But it is also lyrical, so it seems totally appropriate to contrast it with a word like ‘serenade’... View Full Article:   









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